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School News

October Count is on!

October Count is the official student membership headcount for all Colorado public school districts. When students are enrolled, scheduled and in attendance as of the official count day, the district receives an average of $8,400 in per pupil operating revenue.

At Dupont we will have an incentive for each day of October count by making it fun! We will have two weeks of Spirit Days until Monday, October 16th.

October 2nd is THE day we are counting on 100% attendance.

Please support our school by making sure your child comes to school and on time everyday.

Welcome Principal Amanda Waller

Dupont Elementary School has a new principal! 

Meet Amanda Waller and read her letter to the Dupont community.


Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup

Sign up for the Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup!

Did you already sign up for the Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup?

Registration for players, volunteers and sponsors opened on Friday, July 14, 2023, and will close on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023, at midnight. The games will be played during the weekend of May 4-5, 2024. Click here to sign up!

The Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup is open to student players of all ages in PK-12, as well as to parents, employees, and alumni.

For questions and/or comments about the Adams 14 Second Annual Soccer World Cup, please contact Mario Márquez at or 281-235-5203.

Celebrating the New Assistant Principal at Dupont

Luz Rossi-Jones became Dupont's assistant principal in June. Her extensive knowledge of Dual language education is already having an impact at Dupont. Please welcome Luz, as we are lucky to have her.

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